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Our signature Gut Reset & Cleanse comes with everything that you need to do a 4-day at home reset.


Based on the principles of Ayurveda, this bundle will give you an opporutnity to rebalance your digestion & metabolism while also burning toxins. It's simple, effective and gentle on the body. You will be eating real, tasty food so it won't be miserable we promise! It's a great way to reset after travels, indulgent weekends or if you feel like your gut needs a little more support than usual. 


Gut Reset & Cleanse Bundle

Excluding Sales Tax
  • What's included? 

    - A comprehensive  (17 page) guide that comes with daily routines, breakfast recipe, morning rituals, meditation, journal prompts and more! 

    - 2x our signature Kitchari 

    - 1x our CCF Digestive Tea

  • Every time you make a Homa purchase, you will be helping a refugee receive a free wellness class. A percentage of each sale goes towards providing these classes. Our self-care products contribute towards a meaningful cause that aims to help refugees heal holistically. Together we can make a difference! 

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