This mist was created with healing intentions. It has been blessed and infused with prayers for to be of the utmost assistnace in your journey.
Mystic Rose Mist
Rose water has been used in spiritual ceremonies from Islam to Hinduism for hundreds of years. It is a symbol of purity and connection to the divine. It is known as the water of prophets. Roses are incredibly healing flowers and have the ability to remain generous in giving their radiance while also staying protected with their thorns.
This energetic spray was created with the intention of a remedy to cleanse, purify and protect the energetic body anywhere and at any time. It is a great on-the-go remedy when you feel that you are picking up dense energy from spaces or people, just mist yourself to cleanse and reset your energetic body. You will have the protection of roses thorns while still keeping your heart open to connection.
Purchase inlcudes one 2 oz bottle.
Ingredients: essential oil blend and rose water.